Reducing The Impact Of Stress

Stress may be having a greater impact on your life than you think.

But stress looks different for many people. So, how do you even know if you are stressed? Here is a list of some of the potential signs of stress. How many signs of stress are you showing? Is it more than you realized?

  • Frequent headaches

  • Teeth grinding

  • Neck ache, backache, muscle spasms

  • Frequent colds, infection

  • Heartburn stomach pain, nausea

  • Constipation, diarrhea

  • Excess anxiety, guilt, worry nervousness

  • Depression, mood swings

  • Increased or decreased appetite

  • Insomnia

  • Forgetfulness

  • Feeling overloaded or overwhelmed

  • Feelings of loneliness

  • Nervous habits

  • Frustration

  • Overreaction

  • Social withdrawal

  • Constant tiredness

  • Weight gain or loss

  • Increased smoking, alcohol or drug use

Potential Causes of Stress

There are many potential causes of stress. Some people can deal with many things before they see signs of stress, other people may have one thing causing them to spin out!!

Stress can be caused by a combination of many small things, or one big thing.

What’s crazy is that even “good” situations can cause stress (like a job promotion or a wedding!)

Below are some of the top causes of stress. Have any of these things happened to you lately? 

  • Death

  • Divorce

  • Injury/ Illness/Disability

  • Marriage

  • Pregnancy 

  • Job change

  • Workplace stress

  • Financial issues

  • Abuse

  • Moving

  • Poor sleep 

  • Poor diet

  • Time pressures

  • Holidays/Vacations

  • Social Affairs

  • Family Troubles

  • Legal Problems

  • Retirement

Tools to Relieve Stress

We can do something about some of these areas of our life – not all, obviously... but tackle what you can control. Having control over some of these areas can help you feel like you are back in the driver’s seat of your life, which can help reduce stress.


“By reducing perceived stress and anxiety, yoga appears to modulate stress response systems which reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and eases respiration.”  Harvard Health Publications 

Focus your mind and let go. You can do yoga in the morning to start your day off right, in the middle of the day to reset/ground yourself, or at night to calm you down and help you get to sleep. 


“Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health.” -Mayo Clinic

Meditation affects your brain and body to help you to calm down. You can do a simple meditation at any time to help you reduce your stress levels. 

Physically Challenging Exercise

“Fresh air and muddy boots make everything better.” Unknown (About Hiking)

Changing your focus for a while – is a good thing! Physically challenging exercise doesn’t have to be team sports, you could try mountain climbing, hiking, or martial arts. The possibilities are endless, pick anything that you enjoy or sparks your interests.


“When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Then, once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and, in turn, reduce stress.” Rochester Medical Center Health Encyclopedia

Getting your feelings down on paper can have a great impact. You can get insight into your feelings by writing them down.


“Coloring definitely has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring about more mindfulness.” Marygrace Berberian

Adult coloring has become very popular lately and for good reason, it really helps with stress relief!! When you are focusing on coloring, you cannot focus on your problems. You can get a coloring book and some colors or markers and keep them at your desk to help you calm down after a particularly stressful meeting. 

Free coloring pages for adults.

Deep Breathing

Five minutes can change your life: Stacey Schuerman: TEDxChapmanU

Breathing is an essential function in your body, however, when you feel anxious and stressed you may not be breathing deeply enough to get enough oxygen into your bloodstream. Stress causes you to take quick shallow breaths that lead to a lower level of oxygen in your system. 


“Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious.” University of Nevada 

Listening to calming music can change your mood and help calm you down. If you don’t want to listen to calming music, you can listen to whatever your favorite music is. Sing along to your favorite artist at the top of your lungs. Dance around to your favorite song. 

Earth Drum

Relaxation Music-1 Hour Meditation Candle


“The scents released by the oil act on the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that influences the hormonal system. Individual responses to scents are highly personal, but a scent can affect your mood, metabolism, stress levels…” - Cleveland Clinic

We’re influenced by smells and aromatherapy has long been celebrated as a tool in fighting stress. Use a diffuser or reeds soaked in essential oils to diffuse the aroma across the room. Some scents that help you to relax:

  1. Lavender-calming

  2. Eucalyptus-promotes clarity and increases energy

  3. Peppermint-promotes digestion, increases energy 

  4. Citrus-Invigorating, calming, reassuring 

What You Eat & Drink Can Stress You Out

Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and can cause rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. It can also interfere with sleep and digestion. Keep caffeine to a minimum and cut it out in the afternoon and evenings.

Alcohol may calm you down in the short run, but it can cause stress by stimulating the production of stress hormones. Alcohol also can affect sleep. Minimize or cut out alcohol completely, and make sure to stop drinking in enough time to get it out of your system before bedtime. 

Refined sugar causes blood sugar spikes and dips. These dips can cause irritability and poor concentration. Make sure to eat plenty of foods full of nutrients and that do not cause your blood sugar to spike and crash. 

High sodium foods cause you to retain fluids which caused your heart to work faster increasing your blood pressure and draining you of energy. Make sure to eat foods with less added sodium and drink plenty of fluids. 

Foods & Beverages Can Help Combat Stress

Berries such as blueberries and raspberries are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C that helps combat stress. I love one in particular, message me to get some at a discount!

Experience Stress Differently

Stress may not be as bad as you think. Kelly McGonigal talks about just such a thing in her Ted Talk, “How to make stress your friend”.

“Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? The science says yes. When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's response to stress.”

Dig deeper with her book, The Upside of Stress.

Stress Victims No More!!

Stress may be with us always, but we don’t have to play its victim.

Clearly, we can find ways to reduce or eliminate the stress in our lives.

Does this help you? Comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2
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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.
