How to Naturally Get into a Happier Mood

Ever have a range of emotions like...😬😱🤯🙄😡 all in one day?!

The struggle is real. But it doesn't have to be!!

There are some NATURAL ways you can get into a happier mood, and you can start these right now, even while you're reading this!!

We all have had one of those days where we feel down. The pressure of deadlines, days when nothing seems to be going right and a myriad of other things can leave you feeling emotionally and physically tired. Compounded with perhaps family issues, household tasks, animals, kids, social pressures… AHHHH!

It can be a LOT.

But, there’s good news.

Your brain is a miracle and it just needs a couple of SIMPLE shifts to change your hormones & energy.

Move Your Body

Exercising causes your brain to release endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid. All these chemicals help you feel less anxious, become happier, have more confidence and experience less physical pain. If you work out with a friend or a group, that can add to your boosted spirits. The shared sense of accomplishment and bonding can create friendships and support systems. So, if you’re sad, frustrated or mentally stuck, pull out the yoga mat or put on your exercise shoes and start moving.

Wear your vitamins

Did you know that you can achieve a mood support with the wearable vitamins I promote? Ask me about my mood-supporting wearable to help you improve your overall health including mood support, energy, promoted physical fitness, weight management, mental acuity, and circulation support.

Spend Time Outside

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No one knows exactly why humans benefit from getting out in nature, but it’s probably hardwired in our DNA. Breathe in the fresh air. Get some vitamin D. Smell the flowers and dirt. Watch the birds and animals. Look for rainbows. Stroll. Run. Sit. Play a game outside. Do whatever strikes your fancy that removes you from your four walls and puts you in the sunshine.

If you think you’re too busy for this one, it takes only 20 minutes to brighten your mood. And you might even be able to benefit by simply taking your computer out onto your back porch for an outdoor work session if work can’t wait.

Schedule Downtime

Although it might sound counterintuitive, you should plan to take breaks throughout the day. Block off the time in your calendar to ensure you hold yourself accountable and to prevent co-workers from encroaching. Use the downtime to do a short meditation to manage stress and lessen negative emotions. Take a power nap in the mid- to late afternoon for 20 to 30 minutes. Stretch your legs. Doodle. Even a chat about your weekend plans with a friend or your spouse can elevate your mood.

Capture Warm Feelings

Hugging someone you love lowers your blood pressure and increases the oxytocin in your system. If you don’t have easy access to someone for an embrace, petting your dog or cat has a similar effect. If you’re lucky to have horses, go pet them! I love sitting down outside with our colts and petting them as they’re sleepy and laying down with me! Other ways to capture the warm and fuzzy feelings associated with affection – literally get hot with a steamy bath, sauna, or shower. Or heat up a cup of tea!

Get Colorful

Ditch the greys, blacks, and browns from your wardrobe if you need to get out of a funk! Wear a bright color to brighten your outlook. Blue has been shown to create a sense of calmness but any shade will do if you feel better with it on (or looking at it on your walls, perhaps, like a painting or colorful drawing).

Turn on the Tunes

Create a playlist of the songs that put a smile on your face, motivate you or encourage you. If you’re a musician (or just love to pretend to be one lol), play an instrument, sing or otherwise create your own music. You can change your attitude and change your mood for the better. 

PS: Did you know that the gut plays a significant role in your MOOD? It's true. There is a bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain known as the gut-brain axis. The gut microbiota can influence brain function and behavior, including food cravings and mood, which can impact eating habits and weight management, mood, happiness, sleep, stress, inflammation, cortisol, hormones, and more.

I recommend to get on the best probiotics and prebiotics (substances that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria) to really make a huge difference in gut health and everything else!

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

♡ Want my best health and wellness tips for starting to DETOX your LIFE and get on the road to holistic wellness and health? Download my full 10-day detox program for FREE, here (includes a cookbook, kitchen cleanout, shopping lists, program guide, supplement suggestions, and more!)


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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience and advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.
