Easy Liver (Flush) Cleanse Program

Recently, a member of my private Telegram chat asked me to re-share the information about Liver Flush/Cleanse program that I do, so I thought I’d share it again with you here!

Plan to do this monthly-although not on a full moon. It really helps improve all symptoms! I have done many of these. Dr Sutter teaches his liver flushes that can be done weekly. You will have to decide how to do your dosing with parasite meds alongside. He practices in Rockford MI if you need to call him. 

All you need to do this simple flush to decongest your liver! Click here

More in depth info:

I recommend reading the book THE PARADIGM SHIFT but the actual flush requires first doing a colon cleanse for two weeks and also killing parasites (Fenbendazole, ivermectin or herbal Paraguard) for 5-10 days, then an initial 4 days of prep with no dietary restrictions.

Dr Sutter recommends you eat real, whole foods (anything that was recently alive). Each day he says to drink a quart of apple cider (or sub 1 cup tart cherry juice and add 1 cup water-this is what I prefer) with 90 drops of standard process phosfood in it-sip throughout day. On the 4th day, 3 hours after your last meal, you do the flush (4oz organic cola-I don’t drink the coke 😂 (substitute organic cola for the Coke), 4oz, organic olive oil, 2-4 oz fresh squeezed grapefruit juice) 

I will sometimes drink 1 tbsp of Epsom salts (dilates bile ducts) in 8 oz of water w fresh lime juice 2 hours prior to drinking the oil mixture but Dr Sutter does not say to do so. I also do coffee enemas before and after but he apparently didn't do any colonics or enemas. He did the flush nightly for 2 months and then weekly for an entire year to get well.

I have done 12 flushes so far in the past 2 months. It is extremely effective but I've found that my flushes are better when I eat very little on flush day and am well hydrated and cleaned out. (If you feel nausea, take a couple charcoal binders. The nausea is caused by the liver dumping toxins)

***Dr Sutter says “If terminal, go straight to liver flushing. You have to get the liver back online TO LIVE!!!”

Add in the parasite killing and colon cleansing (Vit C or Sea Salt Flushes also work) ASAP.

Drink & cook w/ only distilled water. 


Week 1

Colon cleanse for a week, then continue to take and start parasite killing... (order the Colon Cleanse on Fullscript under LIVER FLUSH recommendation) goal is 2 BM per day. You can skip this if you go normally. 

Week 2

Kill parasites w ivermectin (7 days) or Fenbendazole (7 days) or if you want to do natural, get PARAGUARD (see Fullscript LIVER FLUSH recommendation - Click here). Extend for an additional week if you experience die-off and/or see worms in toilet. 🪱😳

Week 3/4-Liver Flush Week

Days 1-3

I like Dr Sutter’s liver flush. Sooo easy. Buy the Phosfood by Standard Process on Amazon. 90-135 drops in 1-2c tart cherry juice, add 1 c water and sip through day. For 3 days. If very worried about stones, also take MALIC ACID-2 capsules 2x/day. (Fullscript)

DAY 4...

No daily supplements, continue PhsFd & Tart Cherry juice & malic acid. Eat lightly-fruit & veggies, not much protein & fat. Lots of water. If very worried about stones, drink 1 tablespoon epsom salt in water at 4:00 & 6:00. *hold breath, drink the E SALTS and then suck on a lemon. The taste of E SALTS are the worst in the world. 

At bedtime…

  • 2-4 ounces cola cola in a bottle

  • 2 ounces grapefruit juice

  • 4 ounces extra virgin olive oil

  • Take 3 hours after last meal and go to bed. 

  • In the am you will pass sludge, stones and possibly parasites with bowel movements.  

  • If lightheaded place a pinch of sea salt in mouth and dissolve, drink 16 ounces of water. 

  • If nauseous, take 2-4 binders. 

*If terminal or have cancer, do the liver flush weekly & concurrently with parasite killing. Ensure bowels are moving 2x/day. Exercise, epsom salt detox baths, infrared sauna, rebounder to keep lymph moving. Get up and get moving!  Will take at least 1 year to heal. Also you might want to learn about coffee enemas which also feed the liver. And binders so that you don’t recirculate toxins as you flush them out. 

Exercise your liver and gallbladder with lemon and olive oil for one month prior to the Liver & Gallbladder Flush. 

Take 1-2 teaspoons of fresh organic lemon juice and 1-2 tablespoons of extra-virgin organic artisan olive oil together before bed for a month to exercise the liver and gallbladder. 

This is a mini liver/gallbladder workout every night. This protocol must be well tolerated before  attempting the full Liver & Gallbladder Flush. 

Lemons reduce uric acid levels and increase bile flow. In addition to this lemon juice/olive oil mixture before bed, try to consume the juice of 1 lemon per day for a month mixed in hot or room temperature water or squeezed onto food, salad or veggies. Make sure your intake of electrolytes and filtered water is adequate. If kidneys ache, then you will need to look at your intake or kidney supporting foods and herbs. And consider a kidney cleanse & diet.


Dr K. R. Sutter: The Paradigm Shift in Healthcare on Amazon Kindle

Dr. Sutter Podcast - Podcast, 2017

Dr. Sutter Liver flush info shared at min 37. Treating terminal cancer patients.

🍏 Elise

Integrative Health Practitioner, level 2

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None of the statements on my blog, in my programs, or within my emails are intended to be medical advice. All of my content is based on my own experience, training as an IHP, advice from my own doctor, and through my personal research. Always consult your Dr. if you have concerns or a medical need.
